Thanksgiving Day SALE!

It’s the Victor Moran Live Thanksgiving day sale! Wanna buy that special someone that perfect gift to show how much you love them? Well we don’t have any of that shit here but we do have our library of movies and music priced down SIGNIFICANTLY. Hell, with these deals you’ll probably be able to buy several of our items and if  that isn’t enough to at least get an old fashioned on the car ride back from your partners mother’s house then I don’t now what is.

Great deals such as these bellow this sentence that you are currently reading right now…


(digital copy)

Normal price: $3.00 – Today: $1.75



(A Pug Amongst Thieves full EP)

Normal price: $4.00 – Today: $2.75



(digital HD copy)

Normal price: $10.00 – Today: $7.00

….and possibly more at the shop!

No, yeah, I mean there’s other stuff and some of it’s even FREE so get your holiday loving, family dodging, waiting on the food to be ready ass down to the shop for this ONE DAY ONLY sale. Let’s face it, it’s better than listening to your aunt Miriam misuse the term “staying woke” or having to argue with your 12 year old prequelist cousin about Jar Jar Binks again BECAUSE I DON’T CARE IF YOU SAY ITS FOR KIDS, HE’S FUCKING STUPID ERNESTO AND MORE THAN A LITTLE RACIST. So click the link below and enjoy Victor Moran Live’s Thanksgiving Day Sale. HAPPY HOLIDAY AND THINGS!

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