Jocote Jams – S02E03 – 1977 (premium members click thumbnail for direct stream of episode) SHOW NOTES: RUNTIME: 01:07:42 Episode Synopsis: In episode 3 DJ Jocote helps you accesContinue Reading→
YOU WOULDN’T MIND MARRYING ME, WOULD YOU HENRY? Eraserhead (1977) [TRAILER] – [WHERE TO FIND IT] Now we’ve been steeping in the horrors of relationships but on day 2Continue Reading→
SO SPOOKY WE MADE A NUMBER 2!!! Well, it was inevitable wasn’t it. Last year’s 31 Days of Halloween went over big with you Lunatics and believe me, Continue Reading→
MY FINGERS ARE GONE!!! HOUSE (1977) [TRAILER] - [WHERE TO FIND IT] - [AUDIO COMMENTARY] - [VIDEO COMMENTARY] Day 17 brings you the tale of a schoolgirl and siContinue Reading→
SUSIE, DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT… WITCHES? Suspiria (1977) [TRAILER] - [WHERE TO FIND IT] Welcome to day 15 where the colors are vibrant and the murders are brutal but that couldContinue Reading→
IT’S SPOOKY SEASON EVERYBODY!!! So last year, in the midst of our annual 25 days of Christmas, VictorMoranLive’s own Oscar Benitez (also known as the Continue Reading→