THE JAMS OF 1974 ARE FOR EVERYONE! Listen to the Jocote Jams episode VictorMoranLive premium Lunatics have been bumping to for the past month. Yes, the voices in their heads can now be Continue Reading→
Take a Journey Through The Jams With DJ Jocote! Jocote Jams is not just a monthly music curation podcast, it's a journey of influence and evolution through time and genre programed, hosted AND spunContinue Reading→
THAT’S THE LAST GODDAMN HITCHHIKER I EVER PICK UP. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) [TRAILER] - [WHERE TO FIND IT] Well, it’s day 25 so naturally we thought it was time for a massacre ofContinue Reading→
IT’S SPOOKY SEASON EVERYBODY!!! So last year, in the midst of our annual 25 days of Christmas, VictorMoranLive’s own Oscar Benitez (also known as the Continue Reading→