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Santa Claus The Movie (1985)


     This movie may NEVER come off this programming schedule and rightfully so. This pre-CGI epic AND I MEAN EPIC, is loaded to the brim with off the wall mythology and lore that by the way, I’ve never seen before OR AFTER this movie. Mr. and Mrs. Claus freezing to death in the snow, magical elder Elves that grant immortality, it’s got it all. Worst part about this movie is that no one knows about it and when you watch it, it looks good. All the effects work is well done, the sets are huge, money was clearly spent in the making of this movie.So I say do yourself a favor and watch this hidden gem. If only to see John Lithgow sell magic candy to kids that make them fly.


     Now if you wanna plan ahead for the next 11 days of Christmas movies/specials then click the banner below to see the full 25 days of programming with trailer and purchase links and if you want daily reminders of for the 25 days you can click subscribe to get the RSS feed information bellow or follow us on all your social media @VictorMoranLive. Enjoy Santa Claus: The Movie!